- 敘述
Fishbone 魚骨酒精汽化爐 | 安全的酒精爐 | 客廳至高山極地
⭐️使用極易完全燃燒的醇類燃料,輸出穩定 , 酒精燃料環保又無味,醇類燃料在攝氏零下97度才會凝固,從客廳到高山極地均可應用自如。
⭐️爐頭採用一體成形黃銅精密加工,SUS 304不鏽鋼容器,鋁合金爐架,散熱快不生鏽。
Fishbone Alcohol Stove | made in Taiwan | Safe alcohol stove | use it on high moutain camping or home kitchen
⭐A exquisite Alcohol stove, complete with power adjustment and spill protection
⭐Alcohol fuel is environmental friendly and super quiet and you don’t have to pressurize anything
⭐Fishbone stoves are also spill protected, the stove extinguishes itself and only a small amount of fuel is spilled when topple over
⭐This stove uses liquid ethanol with at least 95% ethanol content
⭐Suitable for light cooking and hot drinks such as coffee and tea
⭐Small size when pot holders and windshield are detached for storage
⭐Highly portable, excellent for hiking and camping
⭐Also suitable for indoor use
⭐Alcohol fuel can be filled into the fuel container of the Fishbone stove for storage
⭐Stove surface coated with Teflon, which is nonstick and easy to clean
⭐The burner head is precision-machined with one-piece brass, SUS 304 stainless steel container, and aluminum alloy burner frame, which dissipates heat quickly and does not rust.
⭐Double vent holes and slightly open design, the fuel chamber without pressure and gas explosion
⭐Rapid preheating in 10-15 seconds,it can be ignited directly with a lighter, or alcohol can be dripped into the burner and ignited with any fire source
⭐Run time at full power and tank : 30mins(mini stove) / 80mins(mid. stove) / 2.5hrs(large stove)
⭐Operating temperature : -50~+35°C (-58~+95°F)
⭐Convenient to store in just one bag to go
⭐All parts are made in Taiwan and have passed the invention patent
⭐️魚骨酒精汽化爐 風之爐精裝版(小爐)
Fishbone Alcohol Stove (mini)
Size : 直徑9.5cm(diameter)×高度10cm(height)
Weight 剩重 : 270g
燃燒箱容量 Tank capacity:120ml
大火持續時間 Run time at full power and tank:30mins
小火持續時間 Run time at low power and full tank:100mins
最大功率 maximum Heating Power:約1200瓦Watt
最大燃料消耗率 maximum fuel consumption:約6ml / min
最大安全荷重 maximum safe load:2kg
Suitable pot base diameter 適用鍋徑:5~15cm
顏色 Color:橙紅 Orange Red / 深鐵灰 Dark Iron Grey / 孔雀藍 Peacock Blue / 銅黃 Copper Yellow
主要材質 Main Materials:黃銅 Brass、不鏽鋼 Stainless Steel、鋁合金 Aluminum Alloy、高階工程塑膠 Advanced Engineering Plastic
配件 Package includes :
魚骨酒精汽化爐 Fishbone Bioethanol Stove, 收納麻布袋 Storage bag, 矽膠量杯 Measuring cup, 專用漏斗 Funnel, 尖嘴瓶 Dropper bottle, 通針 Burner cleaner tool, 說明書 Using instructions
裝箱尺寸 Packing Size:11x12x12cm
包裝重量 Packing weight:373g
⭐️魚骨酒精汽化爐 歐風爐專業版(中爐)
Fishbone Alcohol Stove (mid.)
Size : 直徑15.5cm(diameter)×高度11.5cm(height)
Weight 剩重 : 700g
燃燒箱容量 Tank capacity:380ml
大火持續時間 Run time at full power and tank:80mins
小火持續時間 Run time at low power and full tank:5hrs
最大功率 maximum Heating Power:約1700瓦Watt
最大燃料消耗率 maximum fuel consumption:約6ml / min
最大安全荷重 maximum safe load:30kg
Suitable pot base diameter 適用鍋徑:7.5~20cm
顏色 Color:橙紅 Orange Red / 深鐵灰 Dark Iron Grey / 梨黃 Pear Yellow
主要材質 Main Materials:黃銅 Brass、不鏽鋼 Stainless Steel、鋁合金 Aluminum Alloy、高階工程塑膠 Advanced Engineering Plastic
配件 Package includes :
魚骨酒精汽化爐 Fishbone Bioethanol Stove, 收納麻布袋 Storage bag, 矽膠量杯 Measuring cup, 專用漏斗 Funnel, 尖嘴瓶 Dropper bottle, 通針 Burner cleaner tool, 說明書 Using instructions
裝箱尺寸 Packing Size:16x16x12.5cm
包裝重量 Packing weight:931g
⭐️魚骨酒精汽化爐 歐風爐專業版(大爐)
Fishbone Alcohol Stove (Large)
Size : 直徑23cm(diameter)×高度11.5cm(height)
Weight 剩重 : 1,050g
燃燒箱容量 Tank capacity:1,000ml
大火持續時間 Run time at full power and tank:150mins
小火持續時間 Run time at low power and full tank:24hrs
最大功率 maximum Heating Power:約1700瓦Watt
最大燃料消耗率 maximum fuel consumption:約7ml / min
最大安全荷重 maximum safe load:30kg
Suitable pot base diameter 適用鍋徑:11~28cm
顏色 Color:橙紅 Orange Red / 深鐵灰 Dark Iron Grey / 梨黃 Pear Yellow
主要材質 Main Materials:黃銅 Brass、不鏽鋼 Stainless Steel、鋁合金 Aluminum Alloy、高階工程塑膠 Advanced Engineering Plastic
配件 Package includes :
魚骨酒精汽化爐 Fishbone Bioethanol Stove, 收納麻布袋 Storage bag, 矽膠量杯 Measuring cup, 專用漏斗 Funnel, 尖嘴瓶 Dropper bottle, 通針 Burner cleaner tool, 說明書 Using instructions
裝箱尺寸 Packing Size:24x23.5x12.5cm
包裝重量 Packing weight:1479g
產品出貨前已全檢測防漏,若發現燃料有滲漏狀況,請勿繼續使用 - 評論
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