- 敘述
VARGO Titanium Fire Box 折疊式全鈦金屬燒烤爐
⭐想在野外地區享受「燒烤」的樂趣,而不必擔心地球被燒焦,但又不想壓扁你的背包?Vargo Fire Box Grill 採用插槽式安裝設計,可以使你輕鬆快速地設置及拆除成一個平面的包裝。只需把燒烤爐安裝並加入枯樹枝等燃料便可享受美味的烤肉串!
⭐Get grillin’ in the backcountry without charring the Earth or weighing down your pack! The Titanium Fire Box is designed to pair perfectly with our BiFold Grill (or your own grill grate) to cook up your favorite trailside meal. It features a unique origami style assembly system that folds flat and easily stows away in your backpack.
⭐Strong, lightweight titanium construction
⭐Folds for easy portability
⭐Nylon protective case included
⭐Weight 剩重 : 3.75oz (107g)
Height 高 : 3 inches (76mm)
Top Width 頂部闊度: 6.25 inches (159mm)
Bottom Width 底部闊度: 3.5 inches (89mm)
⭐Folded size 摺疊呎寸 : 5.25 height (133mm), 7.25 width (184mm) - 評論
SilverAnt 戶外鈦純鍋3件套裝 Ultralight 3-Piece Titanium Camping Cookware Set | 單人cookset | 輕量化 | 耐腐蝕 | 煮得安心健康
原價: $1,148.00
Special Price $567.00
SilverAnt 純鈦叉匙帶鉤 | 耐腐蝕 | 超輕 Ultralight Titanium Spork with Bottle Opener
原價: $118.00
Special Price $102.00
SilverAnt 戶外純鈦鍋具 | 超輕量 | 1000ml煎鍋 | 2100ml湯鍋
從: $75.00
到: $1,197.00
VARGO Alcohol fuel bottle HDPE 液體燃料樽
原價: $37.00
Special Price $30.00
VARGO Titanium Sierra 750ml 鈦金屬鍋連蓋
原價: $520.00
Special Price $499.00
VARGO Ultimate Fire Starter 不銹鋼打火棒連吹風管